A another day in the life.

Well just another random fun day in a foreign land.  Today we started homeschool and it surprisingly went very very well.  I only have two of the four kids for right now so it's not too overwhelming.  Tomorrow we have school again at 8 AM and then next day and the day after that and the day after that.  

Yesterday, I did some laundry and because my washer hose isn't long enough to reach the drain it spills out onto the porch, which spills out of the balcony onto the parking lot below.  So what I didn't think about were the cars parked below...really nice cars on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.  I couldn't stop it once I realized what was going on...so in a very cowardly way I ran back inside hoping that none of my neighbors would see me and no one would yell at me.  New, shiny cars are owned by the wealthy here and they keep them looking spotless.  So on my lovely Sunday afternoon with the breeze blowing through the open windows, I decided to take a nap.  After about 20 minutes into the nap I hear a loud man yelling in Chinese at the top of his lungs...and I'm pretty sure I know exactly what he is yelling about.  I tiptoe to my window to see that yes this man is yelling because he has water on his shiny car, specifically dried water spots that have splattered all over his front hood.  And what do I do?  Well I tiptoed away from the window just in time to see him move his car to the other side. Hmmmmm...just a day in the life.  

p.s. don't buy the Wealthy Family Ham that they sell in stores here....it really taste like dog food smells.  


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