Headed home soon!
Well four days and counting until I leave sunny lands to head for cooler climates and for my home in my new country. I was only there for ten days the first time and will have officially been traveling for almost a month. It will be so very nice to be in a bed, that well at least I can call my own, even though it may not feel like my own. Then the real work begins. Language, studying to teach the kids, studying language and working on making some new friends. I have to go back to my western food fast too. Fifteen more days left of that and then I am allowed to cook in my own home, but I have to cook with non-imported items. So basically that whole suitcase full of stuff I brought from home is sitting on my kitchen counter. But as odd as this my seem, I'm looking forward to eating some fried rice....its a since of normalcy.
Enjoy some pictures....
Me pushing the leaning tower of Pisa....at a Thailand Pizza Restaurant.
The drive thru at Mcdy's is backwards since Thai's drive on the left side of the road. McDonald's will deliver your BigMac too!
After my rabies shot....Ronald McDonald feels side. He looks kinda scary too.