First Field Trip

On Friday of this last week, half or our class...totaling three of, took a field trip.  A field trip in a foreign country???  Oh, yes.  It was a lot less stressful than what you would imagine your normal American public school field trip to be, but still it was fun.  And sorry, but we didn't wear matching red shirts with name tags.  
One of the children in my class wrote a report this past week on sharks.  He did a really good job but where would I find a shark in rural...uh we'll just call it chopsticksville? A couple of weekends ago when I was in the bird and flower market buying our class pet, Alvin I saw that one of the fish stores had a shark in an aquarium.  Yes a shark, in a pet of maybe like 3 pet stores in a rural area of this country!  What a great idea...."okay class (imagine in a Charlie Brown's teacher's voice) , let's go visit the shark." (YEAH,...and the crowd goes wild).  
So on Friday with a well written report, camera and no matching shirts we headed to the market.  The students did enjoy seeing the shark and the shark actually showed off a bit for us.  The times I've seen him before he's been just laying there...actually I was surprised to see him  So there you go....our first field trip. 

p.s. our pet hamster burrows alot and doesn't come out much at all, even at night.  One of my other students informed me last week that after he had done some internet research, he feels that Alvin may in fact be an Alva.  And that Alva is expecting because that's what hamster do when they are prego.  Great....just great.  "Anyone want a hamster for Christmas?"     


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