Medical Check 101
Medical Check 101. The following are some little tidbits that you need to know before coming here and applying for your student visa.
1. Don't get the physical at home, they'll look at it, see it's in English and laugh.
2. Before you go and get your exam, you need to be fessed up, prayed up, and saved up...this means you might wanna say that pr just one more time in case you pass out and don't wake
3. In preparation, drink plenty of water and flex your arm muscles alot...this will help the recent high school graduate who is completely untrained to have better luck hitting your vain on the fifth try.
4. Typically to get your blood drawn you would sit in a chair with an arm rest. You need to be prepared to slide your arm through a small hole in a glass window. Think movie theater ticket counter or bank teller. Also please be aware that after your blood has been drawn, you will receive an extra large q-tip to put between your the crease in your arm instead of a cotton ball or gauze. You will not receive a band-aide, please provide your own.
5. Good luck getting your arm out of the movie theater window without unfolding your arm or losing your extra large q-tip.
6. The walk of shame. Typically and sadly in the states, a walk of shame is known as a walk one takes after a "night out" in which you return home in the same clothes that you left in the night before. The phrase, "walk of shame" is commonly used on college and university campuses. Your "walk of shame" will be when you are given a small cup in which to place a urine sample in. You will be directed to a squatty down a long hallway. Once you have placed the sample in the cup, you will not be given any sort of lid and you will be instructed to return the cup back to the office down the long hallway. Be careful as you walk not to spill "your sample" on yourself. This "walk of shame", is done best with a teammate preferably one of the opposite sex. Just picture yourself walking down a long hallway with an open container of urine next to your co-worker.
7. Next you will have an x-ray. Don't worry when they close you in behind the metal door and an alarm bell rings, this comm. country isn't trying to kill you, no they just want to release uncontrolled amounts of radiation into you for your chest x-ray.
8. Ultrasound and EKG....yes you will feel like you could possibly be electrocuted when they hook you up to the equipment, but don't worry the last guy did fine ....uh we tried to find him but for some reason he's missing or uh must have went out the back door??? On the other side of the curtain will be your teammate having their ultrasound. If you are a male, please be prepared for your ultrasound to come back as saying you are in your first trimester of's totally normal.
9. You will return the following day, traumatized and dazed and simply thinking, "I just want to get my report and get this done." They will in fact give you your medical booklet and report to which you will discover as you are walking away that they have you listed as a male and with a blood type of A+. Which last you checked you are in fact female and O+. At this point you will argue in your mind the consequences of going back to the medical office versus getting A+ blood in the case of a transfusion. You decided within milliseconds you'll risk the transfusion.
10. With medical clearance in hand and the appropriate paperwork to finally get your visa started, you will be told that the paperwork isn't needed right now and to hold on to it until it is needed.
All for Him.....Beautiful Feet