A Mouse in the House

Yes, I have a mouse in my house! Well actually it is a hamster, but to me it is still a rodent which is in turn a mouse.  I never, yes never, thought I would have a rodent or even want one...actually I don't want one. 

When I first arrived here my plan was to teach four little boys, but four little boys had a plan of their own.  Their plan it seem was to talk their teacher into getting a class pet.  Well what was I supposed to say....I mean every class has a pet, right?!  So today Joshua, the oldest one and I, ventured to the "wild bird and flower market" (literally it's name, and it sells just that and a little bit of everything in between). So here we were in search of a pet.  We looked at the goldfish, the birds (which praise Him held no interest to Josh...does bird flu mean anything to you) some sickly looking dogs and finally decided on a small uh rodent ....or hamster.  
We purchased this little guy...er I think he is a guy and brought him home in a taxi.  Cage, chips, food and all for about $8.75.  After a taxi ride and some debate, the boys decided on a name...ALVIN and yes we know he's not a chipmunk.  I was informed that it stands for Sergeant Alvin York....LOL. 


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