Spam Luncheon with Pdog!

Last week one of my kids I'm teaching, we will call him Pdog, was finishing up his I Can Read Book.  The last 5 stories in the book were a set of stories about a dog named Ruff and his love for SPAM.  Yes Spam. Now I personally happen to like that mixture of unknown meat we call Spam.  We can blame it on my mamaw because she used to fix me Spam with biscuits for breakfast quite often.  And well I thought and still think it's pretty good.  I've had some turned up noses at this idea so it must be a southern thing....or then again maybe just a me thing.  

So as Pdog was finishing up the last few stories of his book, I had an idea.  You see Pdog loves Spam as I do, or so I thought and his mom, dad, etc. does not.  So for a reward in finishing our book I decided on  Friday Pdog and I would have a nice Spam Luncheon.  I had seen knock-off spam here and it just had to be the same right?  I mean can you really go wrong with spam? 
So I purchased the spam on Thursday and had found out from my mom that she had included some real Spam in one of my recent boxes.  The box she told me should arrive any day and sure enough, it came on that Thursday.  Alright this is gonna be great!

Oh let me rewind for a second.  I few days prior, Pdog had informed me that he had never had real american Spam only the kind here.  I should have taken this as a warning but for some reason I didn't.  So I really viewed this small can of American Spam as divine intervention.  After all to not have tasted Spam from home was as close to a crime we can get.  

So Friday came and our story about our dog Ruff included him eaten Spam and Spuds.  So Pdog had requested mashed spuds or potatoes for those of us who aren't British.  Also, his version of the generic spam included hot pot.  For those of you who don't know what hot pot is, it's basically boiled noodles in broth and you just throw in whatever...sometimes veggies, sometimes spam, sometimes dog...although I've never had the later version...the others are quite tasty. So I cooked up noodles, potatoes, and the generic spam that went in the hot pot and then fried the real SPAM for pdog to try out.  Well no one told me that noodles here in Asia aren't like the noodles in the states.  The noodles here cook in less than five minutes anything longer is going to leave you with just mush, but I thought they were like the pasta from home and needed a good 10-12 minutes of boiling.  So you can imagine my surprise when I began scooping up the hot pot, noodles potatoes, and spam in to our bowls to find that the noodles where just short of mush because they'd been cooked so long.  Plus the boiled generic spam from here didn't look so good, but how could you go wrong.  I decided to be brave and took a bit..  Honestly, it was the most disgusting food I think I've ever put in my mouth.  And for the record generic spam from here is nothing like Spam.  It is horrible, slimy, and I don't even think it's real.  No flavor, mush.  I'm ashamed to admit I even cooked it...I consider myself a descent cook, but wow this was gross!!

I looked over at Pdog to apologize and say, "at least we have the fried Spam and mashed spuds kido," when I realized to my surprise he was chowing down on the stuff.  The kid loved it!!! Ate three bowls full and wanted to save some for his brother (which I promptly threw in the trash after he left).  I did however eat the real spam in all it's glory and the mashed potatoes.  It just goes to show you don't ever ever ask a kid who's grown up in a foreign country what tastes good and if the milk is okay.  So there you go my Spam luncheon story. 

Just for show, who's turning up there nose and Spam and who will admit they actually like it? 



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