It's under control
So one of my kids I teach really is a planner by nature. He likes to be in the know. Plenty of adults in the world are like this, they plan every detail of life. If the schedule gets out of sync or the plans change, it really unnerves them. Well this kid is just like that only in kid form. He's got his day planned out, subconsciously how be it, way before the day even begins.
So on the days that the school teacher switches up a Math test with a Spelling test and puts the Math test first and it is always second, this can really mess up his day; and mine. First will come the look of confusion, and then the statement of, "but we usually have our spelling test first." Then here come the questions. Within five minutes I'm just as frustrated as the kid. I'm thinking just let it go, I'm the teacher and you don't have to know everything. Besides when I change things up or switch the order we are doing something or even change a small detail, it is usually for his good and the rest of the class so things will flow easier. I see things he doesn't, I know things he won't. I do change things, rework things to help him. Like for instance if I know a subject that we usually do right after lunch is going to be extra hard, I'll move it to mid morning and give him extra time to work and not want to be falling asleep right after lunch (yes everyone does that).
So this morning as I was reading my devo, it was about do we frustrate or hurt the Father..? So I began to think about this. Do I frustrate Him? If I care for this kid on this level and change things for his good, how much more does G care for me? How often do I complain, ask a thousand questions, and get all upset because He changed something in my day, my week, my year or even my life.
Am I frustrating the Father by wanting to be in the know and have everything under control, planned and purposed? Am I trusting Him and letting him be in control of the changes He's making in my life for my own good? After all, He see's things I can't, He know's things I don't and He does sometimes change things I won't. Hmmmm, maybe I should just stop asking questions, lose control and remember whose really supposed to have it all under control.
Beautiful Feet