A New Class Pet....what was I thinking?!
So one of my students, A was turning nine the other day and has desperately wanted a dog according to him for 10 years. :) His mom can't have a dog in the house because of allergies and they live on the sixth floor or an apartment building. A puppy on the sixth floor of a building with no elevators and needing to be walked all the time, is not a good idea.
So being the good aunt/teacher/dog lover that I am. I agreed that if the family bought a dog, I'd keep it at my house, feed it, and the kids would come walk it from time to time. By the way, my apartment is on the first floor...lucky me!
So on Friday night, the mom and I snuck over to the very Asian pet store and picked out an adorable little black lab, maybe spaniel mix. It was either th
at or the dog that looked like Uga from the University of Georgia and if I had that in my house, my dad and half my family would be on a plane in about an hour. It's just wrong. So we purchased the dog, I hauled a taxi in the rain and somehow successfully snuck the dog home. The next morning A, P, and their little sister Meimei (which means little sister in the national language), where surprised when they visited Aunt W's house and found a brand new puppy. Which they adore and named Tolliver....after a character in a
recent book they read. I'm just glad they didn't
name him a Dukes of Hazard or Starwars name!!! By the way, the little sister, Meimei, whose almost four is terrified of the puppy.
So after a week of shoes drug all over the house, a couple of accidents and two nights of whining, we seemed to be getting along pretty well. I mean I know the last thing I need is a dog. It's not like I have anything else to do...lol, but really. It was either a new pet for me or a new dinner for somebody else.
Beautiful Feet