Welcome to the Giardia Club
Well for some of you this is going to be a hugely grotesque blog. But for those who live overseas, have traveled overseas, or are just not bothered by bathroom conversations you will appreciate this.
There is a little known parasite here called Giardia. You can google it, and it doesn't matter how clean you are or what precautions you take, you are gonna get it. You can get the parasite by drinking contaminated water, eating bad food or a number of things and it mostly happens in third world countries. Within the first week that I was here, my supervisor told me and the other new guy, "it's not IF you get it, it's WHEN." He then went on to describe the symptoms if you get the G parasite and that to let them know and they'd point us in the right directions of where you can get medicine. Giardia does not go away on its own.
So I am now officially able to say that I have been inducted into the Giardia club. Several of my friends have already had it and lets just say it is not pretty. You don't know that you have Giardia until about 7-10 after you've eaten it. The pesky little parasite will in my case start with a headache and just a overall feeling on not being well. Next thing you know your stomach will be making noises like something out of an alien movie and you are just trying to identify the noises because you've never ever heard them before. No in my case I only received the blessing of the lower half of the fun but many in the club have also received both simultaneously!
But what's so different about this special club than say the normal clubs in the states? Well I'm glad you asked, let me tell you. Other than the strange obnoxious noises that begin coming from somewhere in side you, you'll have to run to the bathroom every 15-20 minutes if you are lucky. You'll also need to wear a gas mask, because this smell is nothing, I mean nothing like you've every experienced. The gas mask is also for the explosions. Oh and did I mention I hope you appreciate the color green. Am I getting gross enough yet.? By the way, I've never before in my life kept a book for reading purposes in the bathroom until know. I always thought it was a bit strange to read in there, but now the Yada Yada sits throne side because you are going to be there for a while. Don't worry about eating, you aren't hungry in this club, but nothing is going to stop this. Besides the Imodium and Pepto supply you had is gone and it doesn't touch this within a country mile.
So there you have it. Welcome to the Giardia club. Oh and by the way once you are in, it doesn't mean you don't ever have to go through induction again....oh no. You'll have to be inducted again in probably the next six months. I'm on hour 72 of the induction and the medicine that I've been taking (three pills, three times a day, 9 pills/day total) is beginning to make things a bit better.
Yes Court or whomever, send more Imodium and Pepto...
Beautiful Feet