Big Daddy is Dead!

Okay so my saga with the biggest roach in the world is over.  Last night, aprox. 10:07 PM, big daddy roach reappeared.  Well fourth time is a charm in this case and I had shoes on.  So I smacked that huge thing once and for all and then, unlike the TP here, flushed him down the toilet.  

I then preceeded to text everyone I knew, uh...three people, and probably annoying them and let them know that big daddy was dead.  A great day in the life of a girl overseas!!! 

Beautiful Feet


Steve Smith said…
Did you have a Funeral Service? LOL!
Anonymous said…
Rub it all over you. :-) --J
Erin said…
We have those same roaches I think! I'm glad you made sure there was one less in the world! Today, my friend, you are my hero! :)

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