A story and "the story"

So a couple of stories for you all just to show how ditsy and blond I am...well just one pertains to the blond part...

Okay, last week I was making some tuna salad and for me, tuna, chicken, green or whatever kind of salad you are making isn't complete without hard boiled eggs.  I know, call me weird...I like SPAM too.  So anyway I was on my lunch break and a bit crunched for time, but I boiled three eggs, removed them from the stove and rinsed them under cold water so I could peel them quicker.  Well, apparently I didn't cook them long enough and they still weren't quite done, so I decided that the intelligent thing to do would be to nuke them in the microwave...I mean you do it to finish off potatoes sometimes or if a hamburger didn't get thoroughly cooked, so why not eggs.  Well friends, 3 eggs in a microwave set for 45 seconds or so will in fact give you 3 very well done eggs that have exploded inside your microwave.  The dog was so freaked out he wouldn't leave my feet for a full 10 minutes and kept growling at the microwave.  

The other story is that for the past 4 days or so, we didn't have water.  You really do not realize how much you use water until you do not have it.  Washing your hands, taking a shower, washing dishes,  flushing the toilet, and even laundry.  One of the first things they told me when I moved here was to keep some gallons of water around because this would happen and you'd need something to flush the toilet with...so luckily I did have some water for that.  So for the first couple of days without a shower, I told myself it was like camping only without the s'mores, but by the 4th day with no s'mores this girl wasn't a happy camper. 
 The water did eventually come back on, for which I am very thankful, but it got me thinking.  We are so used to having water that we don't even think about it until it is taken away.  We use it to refresh us, make us clean, we clean with it, etc.  There are many different analogies I could go into, but I just wonder what we would do if someone took our "living water" away for a couple of days or imagine living without having now known what it's like.  If someone took away your "living water", how hard would you fight to get it back?  

Beautiful "washed" Feet


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