A year long journey....

Last year, almost to the day I landed in VA and began I journey that has and will continue to change my life. I originally thought that my years would be marked by when I arrived here, but I learned shortly after arriving that they actually are marked by when you begin in VA.  Before I left KY someone that I love dearly, gave me a gift that had inscribed on it, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."  I never knew how true that quote could be.  So anyway, I thought I'd take a moment to reflect, this may not be for anyone else but me, but here goes.  

Journey of a thousand miles.....what I think I've learned

1.  The little simple things in life are precious.
2.  That you don't need 30 pairs of shoes to make a girl happy
3.  That I can in fact kill roaches, survive a pet hamster, and learn to deal with buying and preparing my own "fresh" meat
4.  That I should have taken that FFA class in high school about meat judging.  
5.  I've learned to remind myself to laugh, alot and that even though you might not get a physical hug each day, you'll get a sprtual one. 
6.  I've discovered I'll never be a language guru, but I can make people smile
7.  I've found that the motto, "hurry up and wait," stands true in this area too, especially when it comes to foreigner paperwork and the like.  
8.  I think I've learned how to cook from scratch the way my mamaw does. 
9.  I've found that goals are not to be scary monsters in the closet, but fresh reminders.
10.  I discovered that falling off the back of a motorcycle doesn't hurt that bad.
11.  I found that last Christmases at home are hard.
12.  I learned that being homeless, car less, and jobless has it's joys and pitfalls. No bills, but no money or freedom.  
13.  I've learned that the Father can use a blind man, a child, a box from home and even a dog to teach you lessons about his love, mercy and faithfulness.
14.  I've learned it Is so sweet to trust in J.....
15.  I discovered that people of every tribe, nation, and race just want to be loved.
16.  I have found that no matter how many times I eat the hot spicy peppers here, that I cannot grow to love them and my mouth will always burn till I cry.
17.  I learned that football, spam, and chocolate is sooo much better overseas simply because you haven't seen it in so long. 
18.  I have found that blond white girls really stand out in this culture.
19.  I learned that true bro & sis love you know matter where you are.
20. I think I have learned, but I'm sure I have more to discover, that His love is unfailing, and that His comfort is beyond my understanding. And that this journey of a thousand miles didn't start with my step, it started with His step.  

As always, Beautiful Feet....here goes year #2!  


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