
There is this one guy that I met back a year ago in Virginia and I check on his blog from time to time and this guy never ceases to amaze me. Whether its just a short story or a verse, or him just sharing a hard always seems that what he shares, the Father uses and I am blessed by it. So thanks friend!

His last blog was about being with his weekly group and that each week they share about what they think Dad might want them to do the coming week with the portion that they've just gotten through studying. He shared how sometimes that next week of accountability is quite painful as they often fail at trying to uphold their commitment to follow and listen to the Father. But they make their confessions to one another and try to do better. Hey, we are all imperfect people. But, then He went on to say that last weeks lesson was on living sacrificially. So he began to ask himself that week each night what did he do that day to die to self in order that someone else might be blessed? He went on to tell a story about how the Father really worked that week and how he really tried to focus on being creative and not just assuming giving sacrificially meant money.

So the Father was really convicting me of giving and living sacrificially. How many times do I not even offer to help one of the moms here with her kids, because I just don't want to, even though I know I should. How often do I not invite people over for dinner and then complain because I was lonely over the weekend? I started thinking about not giving my time, gifts, joy, words of encouragement, and on and on I could go. So as I sat down tonight to make a bunch of goals on a poster as a reminder of what I'm supposed to do everyday..(I'm a short term focused kind of girl) this one, living sacrificially, is going to be on the top of my list. "What did i do today to die to myself in order that someone else might be blessed and the Father can work through me?" (added the last part). If I could only live every single day with that in mind.....die to self.

p.s. Further more, can you imagine what Sunday morning would be like, if we all got real and held each other accountable for what we did or didn't do that week. What if we had to confess our failure to each other and then lift one another up to try harder and be more focused the next week. Hmmm, I guess we'd actually be doing what we are supposed to be doing.....

Beautiful Feet


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