More Toilet Stories

The last week or so has been pretty rough. I'm getting ready to move and between the restructuring, moving, packing etc. I needed a good laugh. And some how the Father usually knows this :)

So most of the different countries I have visited, which hasn't been a ton, have had two flush buttons on the back of the toilet. Foreign to us Americans where our toilets have the one handle on the side of the tank. I've always pushed both buttons on the top of the foreign toilets because I guess I thought if I didn't push both, there wouldn't be a flush. So two days ago I was reading a fictional book and it was about this girl and her travels to Paris. She wondered what the two buttons were for and her friend had to inform her the smaller one was for #1 and the larger one was for #2...water conservation. I HAD NO IDEA!!! What an amazing mystery solved!!!

So I was discussing this with a friend of mine here and he was like, "You didn't know that??" "Where have you been???" So now every time I go to flush, I have to have a little laugh to myself. Then I get to decide whether I want to push the #1 button or the #2 button. It's quite funny!!

So am I the only one that didn't know what the small and big buttons are for??

Beautiful Feet


kirk said…
yes. yes you are.
The 4 Milams said…
Not sure how i just found your blog, but have enhoyed reading it. Love the toliet story. If it makes you feel any better, we were here 6 months before I finally got the courage to ask someone what the 2 buttons were for.

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