The Running of the Bulls

My friend and I recently went out to a nearby town to visit some friends, a group of five sisters. Such a large number of siblings is pretty rare here and they are always fun to be around. We had a pretty good day with the sisters and their families. Eating dinner, dancing in the local square, talking with them, telling "stories" and so on. One of the sisters loves to knit and takes her knitting bag with her everywhere. That evening before we returned to our hotel, one of the other sisters invited us to join her and her family for lunch the following day. My friend and I had decided to return back to our town around two and we agreed we'd have plenty of time to eat lunch with the family. Since we didn't know where her home was, we decided to meet at the "knitting sisters" home and walk over to the other house.

Now, let me just interject a bit of information here. If you have known me for very long at all you know I am afraid of two things..... Can you guess?? Spiders and Cows. The spiders is pretty much a given, because lets face it, most girls and um some guys are afraid of spiders. For me I'm absolutely terrified of them. The second is a bit odd, but yes, I am afraid of cows. When I was about nine, I was in a car accident involving three cows. Since that day, I hate the things. Sorry all fellow cow lovers, and PETA. I've had several run ins with cows over the years. I once almost hit two myself while driving when I was in high school. I got stuck up in a tree once due to a red coat and an angry bull and I swear to you I've had more than one cow stare me down or try to chase me while out for a jog. You get the picture. I once had my picture made with a cow here, but that was only because it was attached to a wagon and I was still about to cry.

Back to the story. As my friend and I are following the "knitting" sister town a dirt avenue toward the other home. Cows suddenly come out from no where barreling around the curve, running down the path full steam ahead. Cows are often seen being herded down a road or lane here, but usually slowly and with a owner right behind them. These cows had no owner in sight and were definitely not moving slowing. My friend and I jumped behind a parked SUV for fear of getting trampled to death, spurred or kicked. While knitting lady just stood there in the road knitting!!! As if this happens every day.....ah!!!! You know how you watch those videos showing the "running of the bulls" and there are always the ones who don't run fast enough or just stand there?? They are the ones that die!!! Well, I just knew this lady was going to be one of those people. There are also the people in the video that are jumping over the wall or ducking inside a doorway....uh, that was my friend and I.

Anyway the cattle soon passed, sister wasn't harmed and my friend and I traveled the rest of the way up on the look out for any more bovine friends. And in all actuality there were only three cows and I don't think they were really bulls, but in my mind, it will always be the running of the bulls. Sorry I don't have a picture of this, I only wish I did.....

Beautiful Feet


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