My Nineveh
So I have to share something with the world. Most people, including myself before I came here, think people like me and others are superheros. We put them on a pedestal and think that they never have bad days, that they always enjoy there work, and that they would never ever be disobedient to the Father. Ready for the shock! Its not true, its a false reality!
Sometimes we love our place in this world, other times we despise it. That's true on this side of the sea or on yours. Hey, we know that life on the other side would be much easier in some ways than here and there is always a plane that we could hop on and call it quits. But its the stories of old and new that keep us going.
Take Jonah for instance.......
"Those who pay regard to vain idols forsake their hope of steadfast love. But I with the voice of thanksgiving will sacrifice to you; what I have vowed I will pay. Slvtion belongs to the L!"
So yesterday my roommate comes in and says, "Hey, how do you feel about going to Nineveh this week?" First thought, oh no. I hate that place. We always visit those sisters and they never want to listen, etc. I'm cringing inside...ugh! I hate Nineveh.....
"Um, sure," I reply. "I guess it will be our last chance to visit there before we go home." Great, just great, I'm thinking. So its set, in a couple of days we are going to THAT place.
So why is it that some places you love to go and some places you loathe? Is it sp stuff? Is it lack of motivation, just plain laziness? I mean do you love choir and hate your current s.s. class? I mean, we are human. Do you love Wed mtg, but can't stand the visitation? Who knows, but right now I can really relate to Jonah. I understand your pain brother. See, it wasn't that Jonah wanted to be disobedient to G...not intentionally anyway. Its just that sometimes you're tired. You've been there before, and the trip getting there is long, and well...what's the point? They won't listen. And it just feels dark and not fun, and ugh! Oh Nineveh. But, for fear of getting swallowed by a whale, we're going to Nineveh and maybe, just maybe this time they'll listen.
To all the Jonah's in the world, I feel ya. But, don't miss it. Whether you just don't go, or you wait too long into the dinner when everyone is too drunk to understand your story, or you just waited five minutes longer than when you first felt moved to speak and they walked away or got a phone call....don't wait. Plus, if He says to go, well I've spent a little time in the belly of a bathroom recently, I'd hate to think what three days in the belly of a whale would be like.
"And the L said, "You pity the plant, for which you did not labor, nor did you make it grow, which came into being in a night and perished in a night. And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than 120,000 people who do not know their right hand from their left....""
Nineveh or bust!
Beautiful Feet