So yesterday evening I was out for a run. I've gotten to where I really enjoy running, but I do not claim to be very good at the sport itself.
So I'd just about finished my run as it was getting dusk. I was looking kind of rough, I mean I was running for goodness sake. No makeup, sweaty, you get the picture. I noticed up ahead a group of college age kids laughing, having fun, and taking pictures of each other and the scenery. I think I probably noticed this because he had a very nice camera, yes I was coveting, and he was using his flash.
I quickly realized that I was going to be a target. Unfortunately in this culture it is not impolite to stare. I'm not sure what exactly it is about us foreigners, but its like they can't look long enough at us. I've tried many times to put my mind around what kind of person I would have to see to want to take pictures obsessively and stare at. Maybe a very large green man??? I don't know. Anyway, I knew that I didn't have time to cross the street or avoid this confrontation, so I politely put my head down and kept running. Maybe, I thought, just maybe with my head down they won't try it. I was wrong.
Not only did the first flash come and nearly blind my eyes, a second flash quickly followed. I usually try to be polite, if the picture taking does ensue. But, I suddenly felt a little panicky, not only that, they were all but blocking my path and thought it was hilarious. So I had a Britney, Angelina, whatever you want to call it moment. I gave photographer number one a dirty look and then quickly put my hands up over my face. They still kept snapping away.
Oh well, I'm sure they got some adorable pictures of an sweaty, angry, foreigner girl trying to hide her face. I'm positive those photos will be shown to their relatives or at least friends and will probably end up on the net somewhere, oh brother! Seriously, where are my body guards when I really need them?....
Beautiful, least it wasn't my feet this time, Feet