
There are many things I should have written over the last few weeks and many things I could have written, but I didn't. So I'm trying to pick it up now. I did manage to get a newsletter out (insert gold star:). I forgot to write about reverse culture shock, the overwhelmingness of Wal-mart and all the other little funny moments that go along with saying goodbye and then hello to an new/old culture.

I've been home for 3 weeks today, and I'm still getting used to it. Still getting used to American life, culture and food. Though I dearly love this food! Thank you Mexico! The fast paced busyness of this side of the sea is something I"m not used to, and I still find myself getting tired very easily. I was blaming it on the jet-lag, but you can only use that excuse for so long. Everyday a million things run through my mind: how are all my friends in Asia doing? Will I ever go back? What's around this corner? I'm excited about the future, but I will say I miss my home. And I can call it home, because it became that way for almost two years.

I find myself stalking Asian people often. Going into international markets or Asian markets searching the shelves for food I recognize and longing for just a moment to be surrounded entirely by a sea of darker faces, not understanding of word of what is being spoken around me. I long to turn the AC or heat off for a whole day, block out the world, lay on the couch and pretend that life is, what I know as normal, for just a day. I'd pay good money to eat some rice noodles for breakfast and cook up a batch of fried rice.

Many people ask, "what's it feel like?" "are you adjusting?" The only way I know how to answer, is that this world, this life now feels like some kind of bizarre dream, that I haven't woken up from. I feel like that at any moment I'm going to wake up and find myself in my own bed in my old country. Either that or I'm about to be committed to a mental facility. It is to say the least a weird sensation, but I am adjusting.

Today, I had a great moment! I met two Asian girls at the mall. Yes, I did stalk them long enough to hear the language and then jumped right in. I'm sure they thought it was incredibly strange for this white girl to be talking to them and being so friendly. But, I just couldn't contain my excitement. What fun!!!

Well, for now, friends are calling, English is being spoken, and for the moment China is gone, but I'll be reminiscing for as long as my heart and mind will allow.

Beautiful Feet


Anonymous said…
Keep the blog coming...we're reading and miss yah girl! We didn't live close, but we call you our family for sure. Looking forward to seeing you in 2011 we hope. - N&B&K

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