6 Weeks

This Friday will be six weeks on the fast food adventure. I had a holiday fast food feast on Valentine's Day and it was glorious! I will say though that this past weekend being on the road so much with helping my parents move and all was a challenge. Lots of Cheerios, snacks, and let's just say PTL for Subway. However, I'm good if I don't eat another Subway sandwich for a bit.

So when I originally started this whole adventure I figured up that I'd save somewhere between $30-$50 a month by not eating fast food (I've also learned I have to be really careful because sometimes not eating fast food leads me to other restaurants where I spend more money). So six weeks in I discovered that if I didn't start doing something with that money "saved" now, it would quickly disappear on things like, I don't know SHOES??!

So, I can't write much now, but here is a little glimpse of where this adventure is leading....

Meet Thanat! More details to follow soon!

Beautiful, the lack of fast food is worth this, Feet


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