The Beautiful Feet with the Birthday

Craziness. This past week Friday marked 10 weeks of no fast food, well accept for Valentine's day and today in celebration of the birthday. I had friends in on St. Patty's day so I skipped that one. I finally set down and wrote my compassion kid last night, a reminder of why I do this. His birthday was last week.

I've been meaning to write him and blog for a bit. Some missionary friends of mine stopped by the office today and encouraged me to keep writing. So if for nothing else than per their request, I carved away sometime this evening for therapy... uh, I mean blogging.

Tomorrow is my 31st,.... uh, I mean 28th birthday:). I embrace it (insert sarcasm) because really, what else can you do??. I was thinking today as I was driving around with my friend Courtney about birthdays and the way we celebrate them here in good ol' America.
Confession.....Rewind, I was actually thinking about myself. I'd been pretty bratty the last few days concerning my birthday. Confession is good for the soul, right? So here it goes. I was venting to Court about so and so being busy and nothing big and fabulous going on and how, "I better have cake." (As I stomp my foot.) Then I began thinking about Thanat. I wrote him last night and told him Happy Birthday, I was thinking about what a brat I'd been and how he probably has never even had a cake for his birthday. Most Asians in general don't celebrate the way we do and as a child in a third world country, I wondered if he has ever had a party or a present or even an acknowledgement that he is loved on the day he was born. Something to think on.

We've been brought up here in America celebrating our birthdays in big ways and for most at least until age 18 or so the party and the presents continue to get bigger and better each year. We desire a party, right? We desire something special...hey, hey, look at me! I'm another year older, better, wiser. Hey Jones' look at my party, my pony, my car, my life.

I'll just say this... I'm just thankful that God is big enough to give me grace and mercy beyond my pride and arrogance. I do love cake and I'm hoping to indulge in some tomorrow, and it is a wonderful feeling to know you are loved and cared about.....but really shouldn't a birthday be about celebrating the one who gave us life? I might have officially went out to the weirdo farm with that last statement (over saved!!!) but thinking of Thanat and his life I can't help but be convicted of my own selfishness and lack of thankfulness. I desperately need to be convicted of more things like this in my life.

Tonight on the eve of the day the Lord gave me life, I'm praying that Thanat and others like him come to know a Creator who formed them in their mothers womb, a creator who has a plan for their lives. I'm also praying that the next 31 + birthdays that I'll turn my thoughts not toward what I haven't but what I have been given and the One who has given us all things.

Beautiful, celebrating, feet


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