The Neighbors Invaded My Bubble...Part 2
If you haven’t read the first part of “The Neighbors Invaded My Bubble,” stop and read it first. This story will make more sense after reading the original post.
This post is all over the place, so I’ll apologize in advance. Since I wrote the original part of this blog on Saturday, I’ve really been trying to be better about talking about my neighbors, having a bad attitude toward them, etc. Of course I fail miserably, daily. I’ve thought about going and talking to them, but I honestly, haven’t had the courage to go knock in their door and say, “hey y’all.” So I prayed. Every time they fight, every time they are loud or rowdy, every time they talk about drugs or parties, I’ve prayed. And here is the thing, I’m a skeptic. I doubt that anything can be done and to be honest most days I’m don’t have a large amount of faith. But, still I prayed.
My pastor preached on forgiveness this past Sunday. I was convicted that I had been bitter and unloving to the neighbors and then I thought, “so now I gotta add in a forgiving spirit to love??!!?” Hah! However, over the course of the week the idea of forgiveness and my neighbors continued to cross my mind multiple times. Maybe I should just go knock on their door, ask their forgiveness, invite them to church, send someone else on a visit, I don’t know...But, I didn’t, I was cowardly and I just kept praying. I mean how could people be like them?
Spiritually speaking, I grew up very sheltered and blessed. I just couldn’t fathom how life could be so dramatic, so disturbing, so worldly. I even verbalized that exact thought on more than one occasion. I mean I have no doubt in my mind they’ve probably never been to church, and mostly assuredly they would have come from highly dysfunctional families. Right?! Right?
Tonight, I was coming out of the mid-week worship service, when I saw a girl with platinum blond hair standing in the corner and said hello as I passed by. I thought, she really looks like one of the neighbors, but that couldn’t be her. Nah, no way would she be in my bubble. She was standing around as if waiting for someone and I was honestly a bit creeped out. What if that is my neighbor and she follows me home? What if she is waiting on me?? (Paranoid, yes I know). So as I’m standing there talking to friends I see another girl coming down the hall with brightly rainbow colored hair and an unmistakable Hello Kitty hoodie. My neighbors in my bubble.
As they passed me and headed out the building I pretty much all but chased them down (who’s following who now?!? lol) said hello and told them who I was. We had the usual chitchat and I thanked them for coming, told them they were welcome and to please come back anytime. Vonda and Jeannie, sisters raised in a Southern Baptist home. I was floored. As we talked, they were quite familiar with church and told me they really enjoyed the service. And then they did something unexpected that intertwined this story all together. They, said they were sorry for being so loud and rowdy. They apologized to me. Forgiveness, going in the opposite direction.
I don’t have time to tell the whole story as there is so many more layers: a pastor who shared a story tonight that he had never shared about in twenty-one years of ministry, a faith family who I have no doubt has been praying, a hypocritical girl who was filled with compassion thanks to a Savior and more I probably cannot even fathom... And questions too: I wonder if their parents and families are praying for them? I am curious what their stories are? I wonder what their future holds?
Lastly, I’ll say this, this skeptic is realizing more and more each day how humble I need to be and how I am so much of a pharisee. I am in awe of my Father. I shouldn’t be, I should remember the might and wonder of the Father, but I don’t, I forget. The best part of this story really isn’t about my efforts being perfect or even good. The story is about God’s perfect effort. God has been working and I believe He is still working. Sometimes He just asks us to do one little thing not everything and sometimes we might even do that one thing miserably. Maybe it is just to write a blog or pray. I’m not saying we shouldn’t witness or sit back in the pew and do nothing. I’m just saying I love, love, love a story when despite my failures, my unforgiving attitude, my lack of boldness, God works. God takes your desires and prayers, others needs, lessons He needs to teach you and so much more and intertwines them all together.
The neighbors will still fight, they are right now, but God brought them to hear His word tonight. Not to hear my voice, or my apology, or my ‘hey y’all” those are all in vain. He brought “the neighbors” to hear His voice, His forgiveness, His love and I am so very very thankful for that! I’ll continue to pray as I hope you will as well and I hope one day, some day, I can tell Vonda and Jeannie the whole beautiful story.
Please continue to lift them up, as I do still believe they are lost and in need of a Savior...
“Who, Oh Lord, could save themselves,
Their own soul could heal?
Our shame was deeper than the sea
Your grace is deeper still
You alone can rescue, You alone can save
You alone can lift us from the grave
You came down to find us, led us out of death
To You alone belongs the highest praise.
Beautiful Feet