A girl and her strawberries...

 Since moving to Japan right at two months ago (yeah, we survived two months), I'm learning that some events are very moving and deeply spiritual, they are the big things but other things in my life are oh so small. However, I'm also learning that He still cares for the small even tiny events just as much as the big. 

Recently, I was at the grocery store purchasing some fruits and vegetables... no farmer's markets here that I can find yet, although it is winter. After gathering the veggies I needed for the week or so, I saw something I dearly love, STRAWBERRIES. This girl right here loves her some strawberries and since arriving in Japan I've eaten very few.

Let me go back and explain something. When we arrived around the end of November, I noticed how awesome the strawberries here looked. So nicely package, bright red and so much better than any I could find in the winter in the states. However, I also noticed they ranged from 650 yen to almost 900 yen (that is between $6 and $8.50) and those cute little packages contained only between 8-12 berries! I just couldn't fathom paying $6 for 8 strawberries...no matter how much I loved them. Some packages were even higher...even up to $30 depending on how they were packaged. I was told, "oh strawberries are popular at Christmas. They will go down in price after the holiday." So I thought, I'll wait it out. I hate to tell y'all but so far my precious berries are just as high as they were in December. Insert frown and frustration.

So here I was and with a choice to make concerning the oh, so expensive berries. I had promised myself I would stick to the budget* and it was if the Holy Spirit was saying..."don't go there, you made a commitment." So sadly, I walked away. I was sticking to the plan. *(by budget I mean that I didn't spend all the money of chocolates, snacks and unnecessary items like cute coffee cups and colorful chopsticks).

So here I was headed back to the house with a basket full of groceries, san strawberries.

The next day, Bryan and I had made plans to go to national pastor's home for a time of fellowship and prayer. As we set on the floor and were served tea and cookies, the pastor's wife brought out a huge plate of ....you guessed it, strawberries. Knowing what those had cost her and how precious an item they are, I determined not to eat them but simply ate the cookies and enjoyed some cinnamon tea. We had a precious time of prayer and worship with this sweet couple and decided to meet again soon.

As we were preparing to leave and began to gather up our coats, hats, gloves and shoes, the pastor's wife handed me a "to go" bag. It is not uncommon here for the host to give you something to go. I tried not to accept the gift, also a polite gesture, but she was persistent and I gratefully accepted the bag and loaded it in my bike as we headed home. We arrived home and as I opened the bag, I was surprised and also humbled to see STRAWBERRIES. Unbeknownst to me she had sent the strawberries.

It was if El Roi, "the God who sees" was teaching me just that....He sees! Hey Whitney, I see you... I love you and I care for you even in tiny things. I care in the big things but also in strawberries and budgets too. If

I'm honest I was a bit teary eyed at the kindness of this lady, her willingness to let go of an expensive item and the gift of a God who sees me....even in Japan.

Beautiful Feet - Whitney


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